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Module2 Unit1 How many do you want?教案


                       Module2 Unit1  How many do you want?教案
                                  景德镇市昌河实验小学  冯露
一、 教材分析:  Analysis  of  This  Lesson
1、教学内容(Teaching contents )
本课的教学内容为外语教学与研究出版社的三年级起点《新标准英语》第五册的Module2 Unit1  How many do you want?
2、教学重点(Teaching  Points)
Words: shopping food cheese
3、教学难点(Teaching  difficulties)
Sentence: How many bananas do you want? How much cheese do you want?
二、 教学目标 Teaching  Aims
1、知识目标(Knowledge  aim)
Listen and say: shopping food  need cheese
Listen and understand :How many bananas do you want?
2、能力目标(Ability  aim)
Listen and understand: How many do you want?
3、情感目标(Emotion  aim)
四、 教学过程Teaching  Procedures
Step 1 Listen to a song.
  Sing a song: Where did you go?(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,创设英语氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣)
Step 2 Free talks
 Hello. How are you?   What’s your name? How old are you?
Step 3 Warm up
  1. 导入shopping
(1)通过出示沃尔玛的图片,教师问学生:Do you know it? Yes, it is Wal Mart.It is a supermarket. Now, let’s go shopping.
  (2)出示shopping单词课件并领读指读,质疑“shopping”的中文意思。请一组同学轮   流读, 及时纠正读音。
(3)Before we go shopping, we can make a shopping list.(出示课件)Look, this is my shopping list.
紧接着说:If you want to write down your classmates’ names, you can make a name list. 出示书单的图片,问What’s this? 引导学生回答 It’s a book list.
(1)(回到shopping list课件)Read together. bananas, apples, pears, and cheese.
(2).出示cheese单词课件,问学生Do you know it? Yes, it is cheese. Do you like it?并领读指读.
(1)(指着模拟超市说)At the supermarket. We have some fruit, vegetables, bread, meat. All these are food.
Step 4 New sentences learning
1.导入新句型:How many do you want?
(1)(教师指着模拟超)Look! There are some apples .How many? Let’s count.(One…)对S1:Do you like apples?S1:Yes,I do. T:How many do you want?S1:Four.T:OK,(拿出4个)Here you are!
(2)出示How many do you want?课件并领读指读,并质疑
 (3) Practice in pairs.
 (设计意图:通过真实的情景导入重点句型学习,避免了枯燥,无味的方式,同时, TPR和游戏竞赛形式全班互动,将课堂气氛推向高潮。进一步巩固了句型练习)
Step 5 New text learning
Today, Ms Smart and Lingling go shopping. Let’s listen to Ms Smart and Lingling how do they go shopping.
(1)First, listen and circle how many and how much.
(2)Second, listen and answer questions.
(3)Now read in pairs. one is Ms Smart. One is Lingling.(小组分角色朗读)其他同学给予评价,good, great, wonderful.
Step 6 consolidation
(1)Then, Let’s go shopping at Wal Mart supermarket.(教师与一名同学演示)Work in pairs.
T:Do you like pears? S3:No,I don’t.
T:Do you like bananas?S3:Yes,I do.
T:How many do you want? S3:Two.
(2)This weekend, we are going to have a picnic. What do you need? Now make a survey and then make a shopping list.
Name What do you want to buy? How many/much do you need?
Step 7:Homework
1. Make a shopping list with your   friends
2.Read the dialogue after class and do activity books

上一篇:how many do you want课件

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